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Physical Education

Students in PE class

Our physical education program builds a lifetime love of fitness from an early age. The skills learned in P.E. carry over and contribute to success beyond the field and outside the classroom.

Community School's nurturing P.E. environment encourages physical activity and confidence. Students attend 45-50 minutes of class each day, participating in a variety of activities, games, and athletic endeavors.

Lower Division P.E.

Nursery and junior kindergarten students experience "French P.E." Our P.E. and French teachers work together to teach vocabulary and syntax in the context of physical movement and games.

Students in senior kindergarten through second gradeĀ focus on gross motor coordination, endurance, strength, and fitness. Students build these skills through yoga, drumming, games, and other activities.

Upper Division P.E.

Students in grades three through six develop skills important in sports and the classroom. Games and activities focus on strategy, teamwork, and sportsmanship.

Our Physical Education Philosophy

  • While we are committed to daily physical education, our P.E. program is ever changing to meet the needs of today's child.
  • We continue to find ways to stimulate brain growth through physical activity.
  • We strive to provide developmentally appropriate ways to meet the physiological, physical, and intellectual needs of our children.
  • We attempt to fulfill the need to explore the outdoors and foster an appreciation of nature.
  • We believe that physical education is a catalyst for learning in all areas.