Senior kindergarten is an incredible year of cognitive growth for students as they focus on reading instruction, the writing process, and developing mathematical skills.
Children (who must have turned 5 by August 1) begin work in the Fundations program which emphasizes phonics and word analysis skills and continues into third grade. The year also marks the introduction to Math In Focus: The Singapore Approach, the TCRWP Writing Units of Study, and weekly science in the Lower Division Science Lab.
The curriculum includes hands-on materials and small group experiences throughout the school day through differentiated instruction based on readiness and learning style in the areas of reading and math. Teachers are able to work daily with small groups on explicit instruction in reading strategies, as well as targeted instruction in mathematics.
Each day includes interactive center time that allows the children to pursue areas of interest. Senior kindergarteners also experience woodshop and art in the "Big Building" for the first time. Get specific details on our kindergarten curriculum below.
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