Elementary School
Lower Division (Kindergarten - Second Grade)
Senior kindergarten serves as a bridge to academic learning as the children focus on reading instruction, the writing process, and developing mathematical skills. Children begin work in the Fundations program, which emphasizes phonics and word analysis skills and continues into third grade. The year also marks the introduction to Math In Focus: The Singapore Approach, Lucy Calkins writing units of study, and woodshop.
The acquisition of basic skills and opportunities for personal growth are at the heart of the curriculum for first and second grades. There is an emphasis on reading and good literature which helps develop a love of books. Book collections are located in classroom libraries as well as the Discovery Center. Writing, reading, and language arts are emphasized. The study of science is based on a discovery approach. In social studies, children learn concepts, acquire map skills, and develop an appreciation for their heritage and other cultures.
Upper Division (Third Grade - Sixth Grade)
Third through sixth grade students find new challenges and responsibilities in their program. In language arts, students continue to build on their skills with a strong emphasis on daily reading, creative and expository writing, and independent learning. Laptops are frequently used for both creative writing and reports. Math challenges focus on critical thinking and problem solving skills, with an emphasis not just on facts and formulas but also the process.
In science, the priorities are observing, recording, predicting, classifying, and drawing conclusions in the areas of life, physical and earth sciences. The social studies curriculum evolves from an emphasis on United States history to a more global view as students learn about their connections to other people and places.
Music, woodshop, art, drama, and French continue several times a week, and children participate in physical education daily. The emphasis on public speaking continues, both in the classroom and on stage, as students blossom into confident, capable speakers.
In fifth and sixth grades, classes are semi-departmentalized in preparation for secondary school. Students begin and end the day with homeroom teachers and attend individual classes as mixed groups.
By the end of sixth grade, students are expected to have developed an appreciation for and awareness of their world, and to be prepared for work in a new school environment. They graduate with an excellent foundation for continued study and a commitment to the pursuit of learning. They have a sense of themselves as individuals and as members of a larger community.