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Rocks decorated by students
Parents volunteering at Community School

Parents are particularly important to the development of students and to the overall strength of Community School.

We truly appreciate and value parental involvement and believe school-parent cooperation is vital to the student's life and the life of the school.

Throughout the school day and school year there are many occasions when parents assist the school in volunteer activities and related projects, either in the classroom, on field trips, or after hours.

Parents are encouraged to become involved in classroom activities. Grade Chairs help plan parties and other activities for the class. Parents help plan and chaperone field trips, and, in the younger grades, help with cooking classes and other activities. Parents are always welcome to contribute their time in the classrooms and are encouraged to share their unique talents as learning opportunities for all of the children.

All parents of children enrolled at Community School are members of the Community Parent Association (CPA), which provides many opportunities for parental involvement. If you'd like to become more involved with the CPA or its activities, email us at We look forward to connecting with you!